The Lost Son by Stephanie Vanderslice |Review

The Last Son

Release Date:
March 14, 2022

Author: Stephanie Vanderslice

Historical Fiction

Publishers: Regal House Publishing

Julia becomes a single mom when her husband takes off with her new baby, Nicholas, and the nurse who was their to help her get better after the caesarean. She is devastated and is determined to find her son somehow, someday.

She takes care her firstborn Johannes but she struggles with the longing she has for the baby she isn’t able to hold. She tries to save money to get back to Germany to find her son but something always happens.

The years pass by and Johannes is serving for the U.S. Julia’s new boyfriend knows someone in government and tries to help find her missing son.

Will they manage to find him? Will either boy make it out of this was alive?

The Last Son was soooo good! I read it all in one sitting and it had me captivated.

A historical fiction set in the time around the Holocaust but is more focused on one family in particular. This book had so much to offer with love, family betrayal, a lost son, a mother’s love, a beloved father and a bittersweet ending that will leave your heart filled with compassion for a woman who has been through so much and deserves to have happiness.

If you enjoy historical fiction with lots of pain and a strong woman who manages to get through it all and keeps pushing through and never looses hope then this is the perfect book for you.


You can find an author page here on Stephanie Vanderslice. She also has a Facebook page here. If you enjoy writing then she has some book that might interest you and she also offers coaching and editing services here. This is the only fiction book she has written to date as far as I can tell.

Other books by Stephanie Vanderslice:

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*This book was received via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.


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