TTT: Books On My Summer 2021 TBR (June 15)

The books on my summer TBR from June through August are going to be long so I will just have the pictures, each will lead to the Amazon description page so you can find out more information and/or order yours. I always have extremely long TBR’s for each month (30+). This is just a tentativeContinue reading “TTT: Books On My Summer 2021 TBR (June 15)”

Happy World Book Day! Tag

Today, we celebrate World Book Day. I know we love books and don’t need a special day to celebrate them but we will. This is so great and today I want to share with you some of the books that make me love books. I encourage you to join in the fun!

Classics Club Reading List | Book List

I just came across this challenge and decided I would join in the fun. I am always talking about getting around to more classics but I am going at it rather slowly so I am going to be joining in here to try to increase those classic reads count. This is hosted by The ClassicContinue reading “Classics Club Reading List | Book List”